Friday, March 10, 2017

Fyodor attempts the herculean task of sussing out what Hispanics want in their friendly neighborhood fireman.

Let's, this is a tough one for sure. Maybe a man who is brave enough to risk his life by running into a burning building to save a stranger who could very well be Hispanic?

No, that couldn't possibly be the answer.

How about a man strong enough to carry an unconscious Hispanic out of a burning building?

Nope, that's just crazy. I really must apologize for that last one. I don't know what I was thinking.


I've got it! Hispanics don't want any of that old timey fire fightin' jazz. They want someone who can speak Spanish! 

Lancaster City Fire seeks to diversify department to better serve the city - Fox43

LANCASTER, Pa. — The chief of the Lancaster City Fire Department says his department needs to better represent the people it serves.

Chief Tim Gregg says his department must be as diverse as the people of Lancaster.
“I think the detriment to not representing your community would be when everyone’s from the same background, they may tend to think alike, kind of a group think situation,” said Chief Gregg.

Lancaster City has almost 60,000 residents according to, and Chief Gregg wants his firefighters to be from every walk of life – whether it’s having more women in the department, more veterans, or more cultures represented.

“People are more apt to provide a higher level of service. They’re able to communicate with the public better. They have more respect for the public,” he said.

Chief Gregg says having a diverse department also benefits the community.

“It shows respect for the community when at least you can try to communicate in non-emergency situations in their own language,” explained Chief Gregg.

He says firefighters like William Wakefield are great assets in the field because he can relate to the growing  Hispanic community.

“First of all, my mother is Latino. My father is white, and I was born in Puerto Rico,” said Wakefield.
Wakefield’s been with Lancaster City Fire for three years now. He joined after 9-11 because he wanted to help the community.

He says his Latino background helps relate the people he meets.

“I see them as I see myself,” said Wakefield.

Speaking of Spanish, I have a friend from Columbia who says only Columbians speak correct Spanish. He claims that even Spaniards speak an inferior version of the language. People flock to Columbia from all over the world to learn the King's Spanish!

Students in Lancaster City say they appreciate the fire department taking steps to better represent the community.

“I really appreciate this initiative. I think, you know, the firefighters are important in ensuring the safety of the community, and in that role, it’s important to show that everybody is important for that,” said Caroline Lawrence, a student at Franklin & Marshall.

Sweet Caroline, I hope you never find out the hard way that a big strong white or black firefighter is much preferable to a scrawny one who "looks like" you.

The chief says to keep up with Lancaster City’s changing population, ‘it’ll be a generational effort.’

TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.

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