Thursday, March 30, 2017

But what bathroom does he choose?

It amazes me how the media always fails to ask the questions America needs answered.

Texas Man Arrested for Having Sex With a Chain-Link Fence | ...

A thirty-two year old Texas man was witnessed on March 1 by his neighbor having sexual intercourse with the chain-link fence between their lawns.  Apparently, the man was intoxicated; when he saw that his neighbor noticed him urinating on the fence, he disrobed and used his erect penis to violate an aperture in the fence.  She called the police, who arrested him for indecent exposure (a misdemeanor, for which he was released on his own recognizance.)  The woman who witnessed this act of love (bestiality?) is said to have requested that her eyes be washed out with soap (just kidding).  See the arrest document at “The Smoking Gun” here; they called it “an illicit tryst” with a fence.

If this guy isn't careful, he's going to get his own reality show...or elected to public office.

One more: Anthony Weiner wishes he had thought of that. Of course, he would have used an underage fence.

TheChurchMilitant: Sometimes anti-social, but always anti-fascist since 2005.

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