Yes, kiddies, the inevitable has happened, but this time it is right-fascism. Corporatism and big government will continue to run roughshod over us little people, contrary to the masturbatory fantasies of the False Conservatives [Rash Dimbulb, Sean Spamity, Laura "No, seriously, I really am Catholic" Ingraham, The Savage Weiner, et al.]
We real conservatives will be the first targets of Clump The Orange. [Doubt me? Just look to Uncle Joe Stalin for the answer. The first people he liquidated were his "allies" on the left, like the Mensheviks. Ever seen a live Menshevik, kiddies? Nope, me neither.] But rest assured IT will get around to everyone who dares to say mean and nasty things about IT. For instance, just wait until white working men don't magically get jobs and the price of EVERYTHING they buy goes sky high due to the tariffs IT promised will punish those evil foreigners and cure cancer at the same time. They'll turn on the Orange Clown in a heartbeat and he will return the favor with bloodthirsty vengeance.
And don't get me started on the Orangenald and Big Babykilling. If Planned Black Genocide was on the NYSE, it would be time to take the kids' college fund and BUY!
As always, I urge you to buy lots of guns and lots of ammo and teach every man, woman , and child you love how to use them. You're going to need all the help you can get.
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