It is time for all the false conservatives [who are in reality nothing but totalitarian "rightists"] to apologize and begin making reparations for foisting the pestilent Orange Clump upon us. I'm talking to you, Rash Dimbulb, Savage Weiner, Laura "CWIC"* Ingraham, and the rest of you clowns.
Your ignorance and hubris have doomed the country you profess to love to a monstrous future filled with nothing but death and the worship of death. It does not matter which half of Clump wins, because they are both cut from the same totalitarian cloth. It does not matter from which party the lies, fraud, theft, and murder emanate. We are paying the price and it will get steeper. I can only hope you will be swept away along with your innocent victims when the time comes.
But I will not hold my breath.
*Catholic When Its Convenient
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