Sunday, June 12, 2016

Fyodor urges his homosexual brothers and sisters to buy guns and lots of ammo.

 From Lancaster Online:

 50 dead, 53 injured in Orlando, Florida nightclub shooting, worst in US history 

 ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — A gunman wielding an assault-type rifle and a handgun opened fire inside a crowded gay nightclub early Sunday, killing at least 50 people before dying in a gunfight with SWAT officers, police said. It was the deadliest mass shooting in American history.

Authorities were investigating the attack on the Florida dance hall as an act of terrorism. The gunman's father recalled that his son recently got angry when he saw two men kissing in Miami and said that might be related to the assault.
At least 53 people were hospitalized, most in critical condition, officials said. A surgeon at Orlando Regional Medical Center said the death toll was likely to climb...

When will you realize we are at war with these goat-raping motherfuckers? Next time, [we all know its coming] let's make sure he doesn't get off a second shot.

Fearful Leader, the jug-eared jackass, blamed the guns as usual. Wake up, kiddies. Buy guns and bullets and learn how to use them. The life you take will not be as valuable as your own.

And join the NRA, for crying out loud! 

And while we're at it, let's skip the moments of silence and try a few hours of target practice. 

The bottom line, kiddies? The government can't and won't protect you, even if your guy is in charge.

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