There must be great rejoicing in Heaven, kiddies, because sinful Man is no more! This past Sunday's gospel reading [I'm speaking to the Catholic kiddies, of course. I have no idea what you prods heard this weekend.] has been rendered meaningless by the tremendous examples of humanity at the top of the presidential polls, Don'tnald Trumpsky and Hitlery Rodham Schicklegruber.
You know the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery, right? "Let he among you who is without sin cast the first stone." Well, Trumpsky recently said he's never done anything he needed to be forgiven for and Ol' Hit said she's never ever ever lied in her whole long life!
How lucky we are! What joy abounds! We are so fortunate that these two exemplars of virtue and goodness have deigned to be our leaders! Oh, thank you, God, for finally creating some politicians who don't know sin! [I believe Stalin was the last one. He was a seminary student, you know.] We can't wait for one of these brave geniuses, our moral and intellectual superiors, to grasp the reigns of power and lead us into the glorious future.
That adulteress is lucky she lived 2,000 years ago and met a softie like Jesus. There ain't no sinners around here anymore.
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