Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Yet another modest proposal: Arm the Mexican illegals.

     Think about it, kiddies. Why do millions of Mexicans risk their lives to flee the land of their birth and invade us illegally? The answer is simple. Mexico is a shit hole.
     Poverty, crime, drugs, a kleptocratic ruling class, you name it. Mexico is a Third World sewer so awful as to make Obamastan look like a paradise in comparison. The solution? Why, a little revolution, of course.

     Let's offer all adult male Mexicans here illegally weapons and training in exchange for a pledge to overthrow their corrupt overlords and establish of a bourgeois democracy with free and frequent elections.

     We'll offer them complimentary air cover, too. [This will also serve to deter them from trying to use our generous gifts to take back Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, et al.

     Now that's a plan, Mr. Trump!

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