Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Have you ever noticed when the Pope [any pope, actually] preaches "Love thy neighbor" some only hear "Buggery and babykilling are ok with Jesus"?

  1. Zenit News Agency   Nov 18 10:31am
    It hasn’t stopped, and I doubt it ever will, the sometimes deliberate, sometimes ignorant misinterpretation of Pope Francis and his words and opinions, from both within and outside of the Church.
  2. National Catholic Reporter   Nov 04 06:27am
    Priscilla Kuye, a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, speaks at a seminar organized by the council's Women's Section and held at the Vatican Oct. 10-12.
  3. CBS News   Nov 11 04:51pm
    In an effort to make the Catholic Church more welcoming, Pope Francis and the Vatican have asked bishops to survey their dioceses on subjects ranging from same-sex marriage to contraception. However, clergy caution that the survey should not be seen as a sign Church doctrine on social issues will change. Elaine Quijano reports.
  4. CBS News   Nov 11 04:34pm
    Vatican has taken unprecedented step of asking bishops to survey dioceses on hot-button topics
  5. Opposing Views   Oct 21 06:52am
    Conservative Catholics Find Pope Francis's Call To Love Their Neighbor "Really Hard Thing To Do" Politics Religion Change scares people — even mere words suggesting the possibility of change. That may be why many Catholic traditionalists have been alarmed by the words of the recently installed Pope Francis, whose seemingly tolerant statements about gays, the poor and even faith itself have won ...
  6. The Atlantic   Nov 11 10:15am
    The bishop of Rome's close relationship with a modest, septualingual American cardinal is unprecedented.        
  7. National Catholic Reporter   Oct 28 04:56am
    Pope Francis' relentless emphasis on the poor and his insistence that the church become a church of the poor "demand," in the words of a U.S. bishop, "a transformation of the existing Catholic political conversation in our nation."

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