Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Go ahead and read it all, you Armstrongians, I dare you!

 Why do people fanatically defend this liar and cheat despite this overwhelming evidence? Money? Power? Politics? Perversion? I don't care. This case is closed.

Appendix A (Affidavits)


Frankie Andreu

Michael Barry

Leonardo Bertagnolli

Volodymyr Bileka

Tom Danielson

Tyler Hamilton

George Hincapie

Jörg Jaksche

Floyd Landis

Levi Leipheimer

Filippo Simeoni

Stephen Swart

Christian Vande Velde

Jonathan Vaughters

David Zabriskie

Other Witnesses

Betsy Andreu

Piero Boccarossa

Larry Bowers

Marco Consonni

Renzo Ferrante

Emma O’Reilly

Dawn Polay

Jack Robertson

Paul Scott

Lory Testasecca

Jean-Pierre Verdy

Appendix B (Videos)

Appendix C (Correspondence between USADA & Armstrong or their legal representatives)

2012-06-02 09-51 Herman to WB re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-02 10-28 WB to Herman Re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-02 10-58 WB to Herman re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-04 15-03 Herman to WB re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-04 20-00 WB to Herman Re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-04 21-42 Herman to WB re. USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-04 21-44 WB to Herman Re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-04 WB to Herman re. USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-05 09-50 WB to Herman Re USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-05 10-37 Herman to WB re. USADA Matter.pdf
2012-06-08 Luskin to WB re. LA.pdf
2012-06-12 AFLD Notice Letter.pdf
2012-06-13 Luskin to WB re. ADRB.pdf
2012-06-15 Luskin to ADRB re. LA.pdf
2012-06-15 Luskin to WB re. LA.pdf
2012-06-15 WB to Luskin re. June 8 and 13 Letters.pdf
2012-06-16 Luskin to WB re. response to correspondence.pdf
2012-06-18 WB to Luskin re. ADRB.pdf
2012-06-22 Luskin to ADRB re. Armstrong.pdf
2012-06-26 14-44 McCumber to Resps. Re ADRB and USADAs June 12, 2012 Notice Letter.pdf
2012-06-26 Luskin to ADRB re. Armstrong.pdf
2012-06-27 12-12 Patrick to McCumber re. Lance Armstrong.pdf
2012-06-27 Luskin to ADRB re. Armstrong.pdf
2012-06-28 LM to Luskin re Charging Letter - Armstrong.pdf
2012-06-29 WB to Luskin re. USADA ADRB.pdf
2012-07-05 Luskin to WB re. extension for Armstrong.pdf
2012-07-09 09-38 Wilson to WB re. Lance Armstrong v. USADA.pdf
2012-07-09 16-15 Herman to WB re. agreement.pdf
2012-07-09 16-41 Herman to WB re. amended complaint.pdf
2012-07-09 Herman to WB re conversation.pdf
2012-07-09 Herman to WB re. complaint and TRO.pdf
2012-07-09 Herman to WB re. federal lawsuit.pdf
2012-07-09 WB to Herman re Armstrong v USADA.pdf
2012-07-10 16-41 Herman to WB re. agreed extension.pdf
2012-07-10 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA.pdf
2012-07-11 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA.pdf
2012-07-12 16-09 Herman to WB re. extension.pdf
2012-07-12 Herman to WB re. Rule 26 conference.pdf
2012-07-13 11-51 Herman to WB re. Armstrong v. USADA.pdf
2012-07-13 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA.pdf
2012-07-18 Herman to WB re. Rule 26 conference (dated 07-12-2012).pdf
2012-07-20 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA.pdf
2012-07-23 Herman to WB re. discovery.pdf
2012-07-23 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA - Request to Confer.pdf
2012-07-23 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA - Your 07-23-2012 Ltr..pdf
2012-07-23 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v. USADA - Farrell Aff.pdf
2012-07-24 19-15 Herman to WB re. extension and limited discovery.pdf
2012-07-24 Herman to WB re. Discovery on MTD.pdf
2012-07-24 Herman to WB re. extension and limited discovery.pdf
2012-07-24 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v. USADA - 07-24-2012 Phone Call.pdf
2012-07-25 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v. USADA - discovery on MTD.pdf
2012-07-25 WB to Luskin re. conflict of interest.pdf
2012-07-26_WB_to_Herman_re _Armstrong_v _USADA_-_resp_to_07-23-2012.pdf
2012-07-27 Herman to WB re. confering.pdf
2012-07-27 Herman to WB re. discovery.pdf
2012-07-27 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v. USADA - Defendants Discovery.pdf
2012-07-27 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v. USADA - Discovery.pdf
2012-07-30 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA - Admissibility of Affidavits.pdf
2012-07-30 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA - Discovery.pdf
2012-07-30 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA - Plaintiff Discovery.pdf
2012-07-31 Herman to WB re. Affidavits.pdf
2012-08-01 WB to Herman re. Armstrong v USADA - 08-10-2012 Hearing.pdf
2012-08-02 16-18 WB to Herman re Request for Courtesy Copies of Mr. Armstrongs Filings.pdf
2012-08-02 18-02 Breen to WB RE Request for Courtesy Copies of Mr. Armstrongs Filings.pdf
2012-08-02 18-58 WB to Breen Re Request for Courtesy Copies of Mr. Armstrongs Filings.pdf
2012-08-02 20-02 Breen to WB RE Request for Courtesy Copies of Mr. Armstrongs Filings.pdf
2012-08-03 15-41 Herman to WB re. page length extension.pdf
2012-08-03 16-38 WB to Herman re. USADAs Response to Your Request.pdf
2012-08-06 15-23 Herman to WB re. Second Farrell Affidavit.pdf
2012-08-06 16-21 WB to Herman re. Second Farrell Affidavit.pdf
2012-08-06 18-18 Herman to WB re. Affidavits and Exhibits.pdf
2012-08-06 18-47 Herman to WB re. USADA-USOC contract.pdf
2012-08-07 3-22 Herman to WB re. deadline re. arbitration.pdf
2012-08-07 14-32 WB to Herman re. deadline for Armstrong re. arbitration.pdf
2012-08-07 16-07 Herman to WB re. Farrell Affidavit.pdf
2012-08-17 WB to Luskin and Talisman re conflict of interest.pdf
2012-08-22 13-21 WB to Herman re. deadline to elect arbitration.pdf
2012-08-23 Herman to WB re. LA rejects arbitration.pdf
2012-08-24 WB to Herman and Luskin re. your 2012-08-23 ltr.pdf

Appendix D (UCI Correspondence)

Appendix E (Federal Court Decision)

Appendix F (Rules)







Appendix G (Correspondence re. Initiating Cases)

Appendix H (Armstrong's Licenses with USA Cycling)

Appendix I (Armstong Elects Not To Go To Arbitration)

Appendix J (Excerpts from Books)

Appendix K (Charts)

Appendix L (Operacion Puerto File + Summary)

Appendix M (Frieburg File + Summary)

Appendix N (Kristin's Korner Blog Entries)

Appendix O (1999 TdF DCOR)

Appendix P (Vrijman Report + WADA Response)

Appendix Q (AFLD Documents re. Responses to DOJ Questions)

Appendix R (AFLD Documents re. Declaration of Jean-Pierre Verdy with Attachments)

Appendix S (Tailwind Corporate Documents)

Appendix T (Lance Armstrong's Testing History)

Appendix U (Transcripts of Video and Audio Clips)

Appendix V (Bologna Court Decision on Ferrari)

Appendix W (News Media)

1998-10-01 Winning the Race of his Life.pdf
1999-07-16 CYCLING Questions on Doping Shadow Armstrong.pdf
1999-07-22 Armstrong Is Engulfed by a Frenzy Over Salve.pdf
1999-07-26 PBS.Tour de Lance.pdf
2000-00-00 Armstrong and Pantani maintain their innocence.pdf
2000-07-24 Time.Lance Armstrong - Uphill Racer.pdf
2000-12-18 Armstrong team assures Tour de France champ will return.pdf
2001-07-01 LATimes.Armstrong Aims for thrid tour victory.pdf
2001-07-10 A new drug scandal - Armstrong responds.pdf
2001-07-16 Accused, Armstrong Defends His Honor.pdf
2003-00-00 90th Tour de France - July 5-27, 2003.pdf
2004-06-29 Doping claims absolutely untrue.pdf
2004-07-13 Armstrongs adviser taints Tour efforts.pdf
2010-05-21 Floyd Landis comes clean, accuses Lance Armstrong.pdf
2010-05-21 Lance Armstrongs Team RadioShack attacks Floyd Landis.pdf
2010-05-25 McQuaid confirms Armstrong donated _100,000 to UCI.pdf
2010-07-03 Lance Armstrong attacks zero credibility of latist Floyd Landis allegations.pdf
2010-07-10 McQuaid reveals Armstong made two donations to the UCI.pdf
2011-04-15 Report - Lance Armstrong, doctor met.pdf
2011-05-24 Verbruggen says Armstrong never, never, never doped.pdf
2011-07-09 Belgiums Wauters wins second stage.pdf
2012-06-15 First Edition Cycling News, Friday, June 15, 2012.pdf
2012-06-28 Lance Armstrong case thickens.pdf
2012-06-29 Armstrong legal team says Landis, Hamilton are part of doping case.pdf
2012-09-21 Verbruggen wont take legal action against Hamilton.pdf
Retributions Against Witnesses - Bassons.pdf
2004-06-15 armstrong-comes-out swinging orielly.pdf
Retributions Against Witnesses - Simeoni (2).pdf

Appendix X (US Postal Service Documents re. USPS Cycling Team)

Appendix Y (Armstrong & Tailwind v. SCA Productions)

Hearing Transcripts

Hearing Exhibits

Claimant Exhibits

Respondant Exhibits

Depositions & Exhibits

Lance Armstrong

Mark Gorski

Stephanie McIlvain

William Stapleton

Appendix Z (Miscellaneous)

Appendix AA (Acceptances of Sanctions)

2012-10-09 WB to Anders re. Hincapie Sanction.pdf
2012-10-09 WB to Berke re Barry Sanction.pdf
Acceptance of Sanction. Zabriskie.executed.pdf
Danielson Acceptance of Sanction 2012-09-26.pdf
Leipheimer Acceptance of Sanction.pdf
Vandevelde acceptance of sanction signed.pdf

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