Thursday, October 04, 2012

Don't let your kiddies be indoctrinated.

From The Blaze:
Teacher Under Fire for Allegedly Telling Student to Remove Pro-Romney T-Shirt & Likening it to KKK Clothing

Teacher Under Fire for Allegedly Telling Student to Remove Pro-Romney T-Shirt & Likening it to KKK Clothing

A high school teacher at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond, Philadelphia, is under investigation after allegedly ordering a student to remove a pro-Mitt Romney t-shirt. In addition to purportedly telling the female pupil to take off the clothing, the teacher also supposedly compared the shirt to a Ku Klux Klan outfit.

The student at the center of the story, 16-year-old Samantha Pawlucy, claims that she chose to wear the pink t-shirt for a dress-down day, during which students were invited to select their own clothing. The teacher’s comments, Pawlucy contends, were humiliating, as the geometry instructor reportedly encouraged other students — and teachers — to join in on mocking her.

“I was really embarrassed and shocked. I didn’t think she’d go in the hallway and scream to everyone,” Pawlucy explained in an interview with “It wasn’t scary, but it felt weird.”

In addition to telling the student that Carroll High School is a “Democratic school,” the teacher said that wearing the pro-Romney shirt is similar to the teacher, an African American, wearing a KKK shirt. Pawlucy had decided to wear the shirt after researching the candidates’ stances and landing on Romney as her choice in 2012.

Following the incident, Pawlucy decided to tell school officials — something the student was initially afraid to do. Already, she’s receiving some negative feedback from peers and those opposed to her decision.

“I have some friends that won’t talk to me anymore because of it,” she continued. “Because I told the principal what happened…they’re mad at me.”

Teacher Under Fire After Telling Student to Remove Romney Shirt | KKK
Samantha Pawlucy (Photo Credit: Sharon Gekoski-Kimmel/

During a meeting with the principal and the teacher at the center of the dispute, Pawlucy’s parents attempted to rectify and better understand what unfolded. The teacher, though, apparently defended herself, said that she was joking and inevitably stormed out of the meeting.

An official complaint will be filed by the family with the district on Thursday. According to a Philadelphia School District spokesperson, the teacher has been moved to another classroom, as officials continue to investigate the incident.

(H/T: Daily Mail)

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