Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2012 Pennsylvania Catholic Conference General Election Voter Guide.

Voting and civic engagement are moral responsibilities. As a service to help Catholics inform their consciences before entering the voting booth, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference staff researched, surveyed and interviewed candidates about their positions on key Catholic issues. The PCC materials have information about the views of the candidates for state attorney general, auditor general and treasurer, the two U.S. Senate candidates, and the presidential candidates. All materials are available in one place here.

Please feel free to download, post, tweet, photocopy, and share these tools with friends, family and fellow Catholics.

The Church neither endorses nor opposes candidates for public office. The materials we developed as an agency of the Church are for informational purposes only. The documents are tools to help Catholics prepare for the election and not a substitute for individual research and study.

Catholics are asked to prayerfully reflect on what they learn about candidates in light of our faith. The PCC’s resources, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United States document, the Catechism and the Bible are all sources to be consulted.

Election Day is November 6. Mark your calendar then pray, inform your conscience and VOTE!

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