you for giving information on spine surgery.It is really good and
helpful for the people.Keep giving such a valuable information.I will
wait for your next post.
Regards:spine surgery in india
on Google grows a temporary spine, but just wait until the IRS comes knocking in the second Okhrana term.
--Neuro Surgery India
If the former, I am amused. If the latter, not so much...but it reassures me that the Machine from Person of Interest is still a few years off...
But what if they really are growing spines in India...FROM ZOMBIES???!!!???
This concludes The Long Hot Zombie Summer Of 2012, kiddies, since autumn officially begins tomorrow for those of us in the northern hemisphere.
It has been quite a ride, hasn't it? From a simple Miami face-eating to a Canadian porn star and cannibal afflicted with same sex attraction disorder to the insipid "music" and demented philodoxy of Kurtsey "Like hell I'm going to bow" Frausun to zombie worms and seagulls, it has truly been a summer to forget [and regret].
But the web never forgets [and knows not the meaning of forgiveness], so this summer will be immortalized here with its own label until The Singularity comes and all the world's nonsense will be burned forever into what will pass for our brains. Whither our souls then, kiddies?
Whither indeed?
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