Wednesday, September 19, 2012

For the third time in this campaign, Mittens stumbles into reality and blurts out the truth. Now watch him shrivel up and run away from it. Again.

Two points, kiddies...

Either Mother Jones [an unremarkable commie rag] or Jimmy Carter's grandson [Who would admit to that?] broke Florida law by recording Romnoid without his permission, but felony in the pursuit of dictatorship is next to godliness.

Either Mother Jones [an unremarkable commie rag] or Jimmy Carter's grandson [Who would admit to that?] cut two minutes out of Mittens' speech.Why?

From Youtube:

From Yahoo News:

Voters say they’re worse off, so why is Romney struggling?

What gives? Two words:"Likability" and "relatability" -- areas, according to data, where Romney continues to struggle.
 Meanwhile, the Repansycan establishment prepares to blame conservatives for their handpicked candidate's loss...

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