Canadians hunt zombies!
You know things are bad when our sweet-as-pumpkin pie neighbors to the north, who would normally let their brains be eaten rather than cause a fuss, take up arms to stem the undead tide.
A customized paintball excursion where the targets
are the brain-hungry walking dead is set to open in Langley, B.C., next
- CBC via Yahoo! Canada News
PRWeb [via Yahoo News] and the Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion prove that even flesh eaters can be popular if they spin things properly.
Halloween is a huge event around the world where people dress up as the un-dead, the occult and mythical monsters [Like "moderate Democrasses" and "honest politicians". - F.G.]. Mega Fancy Dress has seen more people dressing up in Halloween costumes every year. The leading country for celebration is America – where making Halloween fancy dress costumes
and decorating your whole house is the norm. Europe is not far behind,
with more families wanting an excuse to have a good time; therefore,
Halloween fancy dress parties are becoming big events worldwide.
There are plenty of traditional
Halloween costume ideas to choose from: Witches, Devils, Pumpkins,
Skeletons and more. This year though, Mega Fancy Dress is predicting that the zombie phenomenon will continue to be the hottest Halloween costumes that customers will choose. The zombie world is big news at the moment...
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