The Astro-Nazis continue to discriminate against the cutest and coolest [literally] planet in Sol's system. How can any man of good conscience remain silent about this travesty, this sham, this mockery... dare I call it a traveshamockery?
From via Yahoo News:
Should Pluto's 5th Moon Make It a Planet?
Scientists on Wednesday (July 11) announced the discovery of a fifth moon orbiting Pluto in a major solar system find. But while many people think of moons as accessories for planets, like the Earth's moon or Jupiter's many moons, Pluto doesn't quite make the cut in the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) definition of "planet."
Despite of some determined lobbying by die-hard supporters to change its dwarf planet status, more moons around Pluto won't change its classification, experts say.
"Does it change the planetary status? Of course not," Michael Brown, an
astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, wrote to in an email. Brown's discovery of Eris, a rocky object about
the size of Pluto, was a major factor in the IAU's decision to reassess exactly what constitutes a planet.
The IAU ruled that to be called a planet, an object has to meet three
conditions. It must orbit the sun without being another object's
satellite, it must have enough gravity to make it sphere-shaped and it
must clear the area around it of other objects. But even with Pluto's five moons, it doesn't "clear the neighborhood."
Six years after the IAU's ruling, some controversy still surrounds the
decision, but the official ruling is unlikely to change in response to
finding more Plutonian moons. [The Moons of Pluto Revealed (Photos)]
Pluto isn't the only dwarf planet that has moons. The dwarf planets Eris and Quaoar have one, while Haumea has at least two.
No one has found any other dwarf planet that has five moons, but that
may be because scientists have studied Pluto more carefully than other
dwarf planets, say both Brown and Alan Stern, a planetary scientist at
the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., and an advocate for
classifying more objects as planets.
"It might turn out that Kuiper Belt planets commonly have significant numbers of moons," Stern told
For Pluto, at least, the number of known moons may continue to grow in
the near future. As scientists continue to scrutinize Pluto, looking for
objects around it that may affect the New Horizons spacecraft that will
arrive at Pluto in 2015, they may find even more moons.
The scientists responsible for finding out everything they can about
Pluto before New Horizons' arrival have found that Pluto's moons are
arranged in concentric circles around the dwarf planet. They've found
moons located in what they call positions 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
"It makes you wonder if there's something at location 2 and locations
7, 8 and 9," said Mark Showalter, a planetary astronomer at the SETI
Institute in Mountain View, Calif., who led the team that discovered
Pluto's new moon.
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