From Commentary:
Occupy Wall Street Has an Anti-Semitism Problem
A quick sampling of the anti-Semitism on display among the Occupy Wall Street set yields the flamboyant and aggressive protester who yells,“You’re a bum, Jew” at his yarmulke-wearing interlocutor; the conspiracy theorist who laments that “Jewish money controls American politics,” and warns the Russians not to let the Jews take over Russia too; and the self-described Nazi with the swastika tattoo who regrets that America has been handed over to “other people.” Ah, people power.The Jew-hatred among protesters and sympathizers is diverse and unapologetic. It is, in fact, atmospheric. Tune in randomly to live television coverage of the spectacle and you’ll see—as I did—placards scapegoating Israel, Zionism, or “Hitler’s bankers.” Check out the continuous flurry of protest-supporting tweets and blog posts, and you’ll get more of the same.
Does anyone recall how hard the media worked to portray the Tea Party as bigoted? The false accusations of racial slurs, the cropped photograph of the gun-wielding Tea Partier—who turned out to be black, the tortured racial interpretation of the Tea Party’s desire to “take the country back”?
Despite the press’s efforts there would be no denying that in the 2010 midterm elections the Tea Party supported a multi-ethnic set of candidates straight out of a Benetton ad. And while Occupy Wall Street enumerates classic anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in the name of progressivism, Herman Cain has become a Tea Party favorite, beating Mitt Romney by 41 percent to 7 among the movement’s supporters.
Where the Tea Party couldn’t be tagged as racist no matter how hard liberals tried, Occupy Wall Street protesters are literally boasting of their Nazi credentials. This striking distinction speaks to the core asymmetry of the two phenomena. The Tea Partiers held up signs that read, “Don’t Soak the Rich”; Wall Street Occupiers’ placards counter: “Soak the Rich.” The purpose of the Tea Party was to get government out of all Americans’ lives. The point of Occupy Wall Street is to scapegoat fellow Americans. And wherever political scapegoating takes place, anti-Semitism is sure to follow.
In a November 2010 COMMENTARY article, Ruth Wisse observed that “the doctrine of anti-Semitism arose in the 19th century not to address the realities of the Jewish situation but to meet the political needs of others and to satisfy the political ends of others.” In the 21st century it serves the same purpose. Wisse wrote: “Anti-Semitism works through the strategy of the pointing finger. Through political prestidigitation, the accuser draws attention away from his own sins…by pointing to the Jews, whose demonically inflated image and luridly portrayed wickedness make them a plausible explanation for whatever ails his regime.” Welcome to Occupy Wall Street.
Anti-Semitism is the preferred medium of the pitchfork crowd. And today as the Manhattan mob heads uptown to protest at the homes of American business leaders (for their “”willingness to hoard wealth at the expense of the 99 percent”) there can be little doubt that that’s whom we’re dealing with.
Outside of immigrant-rich America, class warfare is often synonymous with ethnic prejudice itself. The Jews or the Gypsies or the Southeast Asians simply constitute the class to be held accountable. Class warfare is the pointed finger as economic philosophy. It eats away at the national project, lays waste to the self-reliant citizen, and disguises prejudice as justice. Liberal pundits and leftist intellectuals are at pains to impose upon the protesters a thoughtfulness that just doesn’t exist. In the New York Times, Todd Gitlin wrote, “This new protest style is more Rousseau than Marx.” But in truth there is no new protest style. What we’re witnessing is dumb, ugly, dangerous, and very old. And we will see a lot more anti-Semitism as this toxic swarm grows.
Anti-Semitism at ‘Occupy Wall St.
From The Weeping Eagle:
Occupy Wall Street: "Blame the Jews" "Hitler's Bankers, Wall Street"
This is Obama, Pelosi and the left's movement. Obama is expressing sympathy in his desperate attempt to shift blame for his unprecedented debt crisis. Obama has racked up more debt in three years than all previous presidents combined.
Blaming the Jews would be entirely consistent with a Frank Marshall-mentored, twenty-year Jeremiah Wright disciple like Barack Hussein. "Jewish bankers" and such sounds eerily like pre-war Germany.
(CBSNewYork) — “Blame the Jews.”
That’s the message one Wall Street protester was trying to spread in Lower Manhattan to anyone that would listen.
A new video posted to YouTube shows the protester loudly and aggressively proclaiming “the Jews control Wall Street.”
In the nearly 6-minute video, the man is seen standing in Zuccotti Park ranting against Israel and Jews while holding a sign reading “Hitler’s Bankers – Wall St.”
The protestor, who would not give his name to those gathered around him, is also seen arguing with members of the public who took offense to his choice of words.
A number of others also ask the protester if Fox News had paid him to stand and display his sign to which he responded: “[expletive] Fox News, that’s [expletive]. [Expletive] Jew made that up.”
Rush LImbaugh here:
Occupier, Occupy Wall Street Now. I've often said, I said last week he who controls the definition of words, the meaning of words, controls the debate. He who controls the language controls the debate. There's a lot of interesting stuff here. Occupy Wall Street Now, 99%, that leaves 1%, roughly the percentage of Jews in the population, too. And Wall Street and bankers have been anti-Semitic code for Jews in this country going back quite a while. Now, what's happening here is that the Democrats... This is where Brooks may be on to something. It's too early to tell. But the Democrats are embracing this group of people. They are embracing them big time. The Democrats -- Jan Schakowsky in Illinois, members of Congress -- cannot help themselves. They are embracing this group and encourages this group. Celebrities are showing up now. Kanye West shows up with Russell Simmons, and he was wearing his big gold chains, and he hung around for a while. He did a perp walk, signed some autographs and had to get out of there because he was mobbed by these people. But this Adbusters bunch has a history of anti-Semitism, proud anti-Semitism. (interruption) The article about Jewish "neocons" was just one of their pieces, Snerdley, that you mentioned here, along those lines.
And a lot of people, a lot of people like to think that Wall Street's all made up of Jewish people. We're the ones that mentioned this last week. We're the first to tell you that Adbusters was deeply involved in this. I wouldn't be surprised if Brooks got the idea from this program. I'm gonna do a content search and I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna get the exact thing I said about Adbusters last week or the week before, whenever it was 'cause now people are starting to pick up on this. So here's the point: If this group is being organized and paid for by a bunch of anti-Semites and the Democrat Party goes overboard in embracing this group of people, then this could be problem for the Democrat coalition, not to mention the fact that they could unleash a bunch of anti-Jewish racism down there if they're not careful with this, 'cause there's much more going on here than you just see at the surface.
From The Washington Examiner:
Occupy Wall Street warned of a 'Journalist & Jew'
Well, that didn't take long. The Occupy Wall Street crowd has already displayed some forceful anti-semitism. And unlike, for instance, the claim that Tea Partiers shouted racial slurs at black Democratic members of Congress, the anti-semitism is on video. One blogger with ("redefining the media," that lot) took a shot at "Journalist & Jew Natalie Rothschild" because she wrote an item on what she called "Monty Python's Occupy Wall Street" that pointed out the absurd aspects of the protest - sorry, "revolution;" they're revolutionaries down there. Rothschild noted in an ensuing Huffington Post piece that she's received "a string of indignant emails and tweets about my [supposed] Jewish, kleptocrat banking connections . . . Unfortunately, though, I have no wealthy backers," Rothschild wrote.
And National Review Online has video of one Occupy Wall Streeter having a confrontation with an observant Jew. You can see the video below, in which the protester - who self-identifies as Jewish - tells his interlocutor "go back to Israel." The protester also says that his interlocutor only opposes the protests because "You've got the money, that's why you're fighting [with us] Jewish man." (Curiously, that's the same ad hominem attack leveled at Rothschild.) The protester also noted that he is employed and claimed membership "in the Local 1 Plumber's Union."
Certainly, the majority of Occupy Wall Street protesters likely do not have such anti-Semitic sentiments. Then again, the majority isn't that big.
While such a display is disturbing in any particular encounter, it would be more concerning if the Occupy Wall Street crowd could be taken more seriously. But there is something about a crowd of angry twenty-somethings waving signs that include slogans such as "eat the rich" and "Jesus was a Marxist" that doesn't inspire a sense of electoral backlash. For one thing, as The Washington Examiner's Philip Klein noted, there are no families involved in the protest. Unlike the Tea Party rallies, these demonstrations convey no sense that the bedrock of American society is actually invested in this demonstration.
Nevertheless, Chris Matthews of MSNBCs Hardball suggested on Morning Joe that the protest might galvanize a labor movement to put pressure on President Obama for a jobs strategy and vigorous reelection campaign. Van Jones, Obama's former green jobs czar, announces that "this is a big deal." Occupy Wall Street is "about to shake up politics," he says. And film-maker Michael Moore declares that "this is going to spread" because "the rich are kleptomaniacs."
If such a movement as Occupy Wall Street could spread in America, the nation would have serious problems. As it is, the Occupy Wall Street rallies tend to demonstrate what happens when a gaggle of self-absorbed juveniles without an apparent vested interest in society or the well-being of others gets too much media attention.
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