Monday, August 29, 2011

Who would win in a fight, Dr. King or Thor?

Tinfoil Hat Monday story the third.


From the Detroit Free Press:

MLK Sent Hurricane Because of Violence, Racism, and Porn

That ugly-ass statue is making people crazy.

The American civil rights movement was to come full circle today as its soldiers were to gather on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to celebrate a fallen captain.

But there was no celebration.

Not yet. It was too soon.

First, there was an earthquake. Then there was a hurricane. What in the world could be going on?

Nothing in the world. That was just Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., above the world, shutting down the celebration, getting our attention and telling us to take a good look at ourselves.

I cannot imagine what King must have felt watching us the past few years. I cannot imagine his reaction to what has happened to the movement to which he gave his life, to the America whose people he implored to love one another. He had to have been roiled with righteous anger and sadness.

In just the past year, he saw:

• Black teens running around, beating people in Philadelphia and Milwaukee flash mob violence.

• The trial of the men who beat Vincent Kee, a gentle, mentally disabled man in Albuquerque, N.M., and then branded him with a swastika.

• Black teens dropping out of schools in Detroit, Los Angeles, St. Louis and Gary, Ind., in numbers too obscene to say aloud.

• Three white men, on a mission to hurt a black person, driving to Jackson, Miss., and beating an innocent 49-year-old James Anderson, then driving their Ford F-250 pickup over him to kill him.

When he looked, King saw soft porn featured as videos on MTV, VH1 and BET's "106th & Park."

He saw widespread unemployment at a rate higher than in 1963 when he stood on the National Mall and proclaimed a dream.

As if that weren't enough, he saw 15 shootings within 24 hours in Detroit.

He saw three black boys break into a 90-year-old woman's house and rape her.

He saw a magazine editor call America's first president of color the slang word for penis on national TV.

The raindrops forecast to fall on the National Mall today will slide down the granite face of a giant. They will represent the tears of a man who fought for better, who tried to teach us to judge character, not color, who worked hard to help create a single America rather than one torn asunder by hate.

The raindrops on the King monument today will represent the tears of the lions who went before and left this world hoping that better would come after.

Decades, no, centuries of fighting for better, should remind us to embrace unity and the ideal that people -- white, black, male, female, Christian, Jew -- fought for years ago.

Those tears that fall today, more than anything, should remind us that we have so much work to do.

And perhaps when we gather again in the name of the movement and King, we will have a better report to show.

No, King didn't think we were ready to celebrate today. Not near ready. And, as a nation, we should be ashamed at how far we still have to go.

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