High inflation, the US debt crisis and ongoing problems in eurozone countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland have left ordinary investors feeling that they have ...
- Telegraph.co.uk
...and the "cuts" from the debt ceiling deal will be blamed for this "new" recession [as if Benito's first one is over]...
WASHINGTON — A private trade group says manufacturing activity barely grew in July, falling to the weakest level since just after the recession ended...[Hee-hee.]
- cbsnews.com US recession fears grow as consumers curb spending America consumer spending has fallen for the first time in almost two years, raising the spectre for some economists ...
- Telegraph.co.uk...of course this will necessitate tax increases on the "rich" [Instant translation: Anyone who still has a job outside of the government], and trillions more in "stimulus" spending...
High inflation, the US debt crisis and ongoing problems in eurozone countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland have left ordinary investors feeling that they have ...
- Telegraph.co.uk
...which will mean more Americans than ever will be dependent on the government for their survival...
Refocusing on economy, Obama sets Midwest job tour
The bruising debt fight behind him for now, President Barack Obama is planning a Midwest bus tour later this month that will focus on jobs.
- AP
...and this will mean more votes for the Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion.
Service sector growth slowest since 2010
The pace of growth in the services sector ticked down unexpectedly in July to the lowest level since February 2010 and the number of jobs created by the private sector also slowed, reports showed... - Roto-Reuters
Look! Even those Okhrana hamburger flipping jobs aren't safe!
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