Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dumbo the Presiphant [An Asian presipant, of course. An African presiphant would be racist.] is either a terminal adolescent or a dictator in waiting.

The cretinous commie creep has been given everything he's ever had. He's never worked a day in his life and has used his "race" to intimidate those who dare to make known his Leninist leanings. It is no wonder he became our first affirmative action president.

Here's some ammo for those of you who favor the toddler in big boy pants theory.

Reports From the Negotiations: It Sounds Like Obama Wants to Strangle Eric Cantor
Two hours of debt ceiling negotiations between President Obama and House Republicans ended with Obama walking out of the meeting, fed up particularly with Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Though House Speaker John Boehner has supposed to be the lead Republican in the talks, Cantor has taken an increasingly important role, and the president doesn't like it one bit, according to Cantor himself ...
- The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo! News

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