Friday, June 03, 2011

Some weiner named Weiner has gotten his weiner in quite a pickle.

He'll probably survive as a congressthingee because as a proud member of the Party of Blaspmemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion he has voted for the protection, encouragement, and institutionalization of perversion his entire life. Therefore, he is not a "hypocrite" as defined by the AmericaLast media.

In his FOX interview, he came across as a pathetic little liar who is still trying to recover from the teasing of the big kids. If he wants to survive this, he should claim to be the victim of bullying.

Congressman Weiner denies sending lewd Twitter pic
US Congressman Anthony Weiner says he is the victim of hacking after a photo of his crotch was sent from his Twitter account to a college student whom he follows.
Channel 4

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