Thursday, April 14, 2011

The very essence of Repansycanism.

The next time you Repansycan cowards wonder why real conservatives refuse to vote for your candidates, consider the fact that your "men" sold the lives helpless babies to the cannibalistic ghouls of the Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion for a paltry $352 million and then lied to the American people by claiming to have saved them tens of billions.

May God have mercy on their black, bloody souls.

From Washington's other newspaper:

Budget deal: CBO analysis shows initial spending cuts less than expected
A budget compromise that was touted as cutting $38.5 billion from the 2011 federal budget would actually only cut $352 million [Emphasis mine. - F.G.] in expected spending during this fiscal year, according to a Congressional Budget Office analysis--news that is stirring conservative anger in the hours before a key vote.

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