Friday, April 01, 2011

Enter The Goat Rapists, Part Duh.

Libyan rebels may be tied to al-Qaida
WASHINGTON (UPI) -- An Obama administration debate raged on supplying weapons to Libyan rebels as administration officials planned to brief lawmakers on U.S. involvement there.

Are Libyan rebels al-Qaida sympathizers? - MSNBC

It’s a short YouTube clip from the Libyan war -- a three-minute piece culled from an Al Jazeera report on a group of rebel fighters. The group, dressed in fatigues and carrying AK-47s, are listening to recordings coming from a speaker in the back of a camouflaged pickup.

The recordings playing in the background were produced by al-Qaida and the conversations around the truck suggest that these particular Libyan rebels are driven by a radical agenda and religious fervor rather than a desire for democracy.

How significant was this scene in the Libyan desert? Not very, the commander of NATO forces and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday. There are concerns about the makeup of the rebel forces, they acknowledged, but not significant ones so far. The problem is, very little is known about the rebels.

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