Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Corporate taxes, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny...

Let Fyodor lay some reality on you kiddies. Evil giant corporations [and the obamanaire who owns your local Kwiki-Mart and grosses over $250K] don't really pay taxes levied by your favorite commie on their business. And I'm not talking about Benito's butt-boy Jeff Immelt and GE.

Corporate taxes are just another cost of doing business, like payroll, loan interest, and capital expenses. ALL these costs are passed on to those who buy the corporation's goods and services. That's you and me, kiddies.

When any commie raises any tax, the only folks who get stuck paying them are the middle class and the poor - the very citizens Emperor Haile Unlikely professes to love with all his blackish, hardened heart.

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