Friday, November 02, 2007

It Takes A Village To Staff A Gestapo Unit Update. (Part Two)

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The fascist AmericaLasters rush to defend Senatrix Hitlery Schicklgruber (N-NY) against less heavily armed Democrasses* who dared react to the rumor ol' Hit has a vajayjay [See YouTube - Jimmy Kimmel's Monologue - "Oprah's 'vajayjay'"- (Five minutes in. - F.G.) ] instead of a peepee.

*Nota bene: Hitlery's list of American Mensheviks grows ever longer.

Washington's other newspaper: Parsing the Polls: Clinton's Female Foundation

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y) was under attack throughout Tuesday night's Democratic debate in Philadelphia, valiantly fighting off some of the hits landed by her opponents, but also getting knocked off her balance by a few.

Our gal [?] Hit is obviously polishing her Amazon Warritrix credentials to take on the noted CINO Mayor McTerror.

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