"Let no freedom be allowed to novelty, because it is not fitting that any addition should be made to antiquity. Let not the clear faith and belief of our forefathers be fouled by any muddy admixture." -- Pope Sixtus III
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Fyodor's Unsolicited Music Review of the Day.
Songs About Girls by will.i.am
I will get the bad news out of the way first because there is so much more bad than good in this one, kiddies.
There is a parental warning label on this album because of several gratuitous uses of the word nigger as well as a couple of colorful euphemisms for human genitalia normally favored by eleven year old boys.
The album should have been entitled Songs About Strippers because a significant number of them are.
There are a few too many throwaway generic dumbass raps. I would think one would be the proper limit for a debut album.
There is a monumentally stupid global warming "song" that is blasphemous as well as scientifically unsound - quite a hat trick for a rookie.
The good news?
The guy appears to have some talent and it sounds like actual musical instruments are used in some of the songs.
There are a couple of catchy melodies and at least three of the album's selections seem destined to be strip club anthems.
The bottom line?
Buy a used copy and do not pay more than $4 for it.
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