Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Dumbass Story of the Day.

Pitt The Smaller fantasizes about the smartest guy he knows seizing power...

New York Daily News: George Clooney for President: Let the debate begin

It's one way to heat up the Oval Office.

Brad Pitt is urging fellow heartthrob George Clooney to run for President of the United States.

"George should do it! He'd be quite good," the actor told Parade magazine in a ringing endorsement of his charismatic friend and frequent co-star.

The 46-year-old hunk may already have Pitt's vote, but the notion of having an A-list movie star as commander-in-chief creates all kinds of complications.

If he ventures into full-time politics, he would follow in the footsteps of other entertainers such as Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood and Sonny Bono.

But let's face it: When it comes to good looks and intelligence, Clooney is in a different league.
Here are some of the pros and cons of having George as leader of the free world.

Just when you thought the clowns from Hollyweird were the dumb ones...


1. Other leaders at the UN will be hypnotized by his charm, so they'll agree to anything and everything he says.

2. The idea of pressing the flesh will get a whole lot yummier.

3. That "Syriana" Oscar on the fireplace mantel would add a certain amount of glitz to the White House.

4. His "Save Darfur" campaign and regular visits to war-torn countries show he's not afraid to get his hands dirty.

5. His fashion sense is so impeccable, every photo opportunity flies the flag for American style.


1. It would be very embarrassing if female soldiers in Iraq threw themselves at the commander-in-chief during a morale-boosting visit. Saltpeter in the rations, perhaps?

2. White House internships just got a whole lot more competitive.

3. Imagine his appointments. Supreme Court Justice Julia Roberts? Secretary of Defense Matt Damon?

4. The travel budget will go through the roof. Camp David isn't half as appealing as Clooney's Italian villa on Lake Como.

5. There will be no First Lady, but a First Girlfriend. And every woman in America will hate her guts.

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