Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Crying does not prove his sincerity...

USA Today: Tearful Democrat apologizes for offending Bush, troops in Iraq

...he is a member of the Party that refused to censure him, after all.

Rep. Pete "Raving" Stark, D-Calif., cried as he apologized today for a controversial speech in which he said Americans were getting their heads blown off in Iraq for the president's amusement.

“I want to apologize to my colleagues — many of whom I have offended — to the president and his family and to the troops,” Stark said on the House floor, according to The Hill.

"I hope that with this apology, I return to being as insignificant as I should be," he said, according to MSNBC.

A proposal that would have censured Stark for his earlier comments failed today when the House took it up on the floor.

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