Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Fyodor's Headlinks.

Stories that have absolutely nothing in common...or do they? Commentary: Get the ACLU Out of Our Bathrooms

The American Civil Liberties Union has argued in recent years that the right to privacy is so expansive it extends even to partial-birth abortion, in which a doctor kills a full-term baby child with scissors. But as Cybercast News Service Editor-in-Chief Terence Jeffrey notes, two recent court cases demonstrate there is at least one place where the ACLU rejects the right to privacy for certain classes of people. It is in the bathroom. Read the commentary Poland Goes Against European Tide on Death Penalty

European governments at the U.N. General Assembly in New York this week are pushing for a worldwide moratorium on the death penalty. But European Union consensus has fractured over Poland's determination to link the issue with abortion and euthanasia. Full Story

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