Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Catholic crackup continues apace.

Big Latex (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Big Masturbation) and Big Brother strive to bring rubbers to the kiddies of Brazil.

Roto-Reuters: Brazil vows to install condom machines in schools
Brasilia - Brazil's health ministry vowed on Tuesday to proceed with plans to put condom vending machines in schools and sought to defuse criticism with a new study showing that parents in the world's largest Roman Catholic nation approve of the idea.

United Nations body UNESCO, concluded that two-thirds of the parents surveyed like having the government offer teenagers free condoms and sex education.

The findings could come as a surprise to some Brazilian parents. Most of the population of 185 million is Catholic and the church, which remains influential despite losing ground to fast-growing evangelical churches, is opposed to birth control and preaches sexual abstinence until marriage.

"The health ministry is not afraid to debate with anyone," said Health Minister Agenor Alvares at an event to publicize the new findings.

Your pole's too short to vault with God, boyo. Or in this case, maybe that should be "poll". Same difference.

A representative of Brazil's Conference of Catholic Bishops was not immediately available for comment.

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