Thursday, January 25, 2007

Senator Token Update.

Ol' Big Ears tries his hand at Hitlery's favorite scam...

Roto-Reuters: Obama sets goal of health care for all Americans
Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama said on Thursday every American should have affordable health care coverage within six years, calling for end to the "disappointing charade" (Heehee. Gratuitous shot at our gal Hit. - F.G.) of debate on the issue.

The Vast You-Know-What has destroyed the Magical Moderate Mulatto...

AP: Obama debunks claim about Islamic school
Sen. Barack Obama fought back Wednesday against an allegation that he was educated at a radical Islamic school as a child in Indonesia, determined to avoid being tripped up by unsubstantiated charges like those that undermined John Kerry in 2004.


Meanwhile, that whole Moderate Mulatto thingee may not be playing well in the 'hood...

San Jose Mercury News: Will Obama's message excite black voters?
Chicago - Looking around at the overwhelmingly white audience enthusiastically applauding Sen. Barack Obama's recent luncheon speech on Iraq at a downtown hotel, the Rev. Herbert Martin expressed both satisfaction and concern.

Martin, who said he was the only black person in the crowd, was thrilled that Obama, the only African-American in the Senate, could engender such enthusiasm from a white audience because it offered further proof that the Illinois Democrat would be a formidable presidential candidate. But Martin also worried that in order to run successfully, Obama would have to become a different kind of politician than the one who earned the trust of voters on Chicago's mostly black South Side as a state legislator before he was elected to the Senate in 2004.

Be careful, Senator. After all, Clarence Thomas is darker than thou.

"How does he identify himself?'' asked Martin, who was pastor to the late Harold Washington, Chicago's first black mayor. "Will he continue to be an African-American or will he become some kind of new creation?''

Eek! Clones!

The question of how Obama chooses to define and approach race looms large as he moves closer to formally launching his campaign next month. Although he rides a wave of enthusiasm among Democrats who like his vision of a different kind of politics and see him as an alternative to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, N.Y., it is unclear that his multiracial message can also excite black voters hungry for affirmation of the issues most important to them.

Independent thinker

Now that's funny. Whenever you see that phrase in the AmericaLast media, you can bet your mortgage the person in question has been spewing nothing but socialist mumbo-jumbo (sorry) since puberty.

"You can be elected president as a black person only if you signal at some level that you are independent from black people, which is guaranteed to'' make black people angry, said Melissa Harris-Lacewell, a Princeton University professor who has followed Obama's political ascent. "He is going to have to figure out whether there is a way not to alienate and anger a black base that almost by definition is going to be disappointed.''

Already, that balancing act is causing some strains. Some of Obama's longtime black supporters in Illinois are grumbling about the largely white crowd of advisers who now surround Obama as he gears up his national campaign. "Who does he represent? That is what people are worried about,'' said Lorenzo Martin, publisher of the Chicago Standard newspapers, a chain of black-oriented weeklies in the southern suburbs. "When you look and see who is surrounding him, you are not going to see too many brothers. What you see is the liberal left.''

Wait just a darn minute! Plenty of mob bosses had Jewish gangsters and lawyers around them and that didn't make them less Italian...or less criminal.

Complicating matters is that Obama appears certain to encounter fierce competition for the black vote from the other leading Democratic presidential contenders. Black Democrats prefer Clinton 3 to 1 over Obama, and four out of five of black Democrats view her favorably, much higher than the 54 percent who have a favorable view of Obama, according to combined findings from two Washington Post-ABC polls taken in December and January. Clinton also enjoys close ties to top black elected officials, and her husband, former President Clinton, remains extremely popular among African-Americans.

To be fair, Goober II was all black.

Former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., who launched his presidential campaign from the devastation of New Orleans' Lower Ninth Ward to highlight his commitment to attacking poverty, is also expected to make a strong appeal to black voters.
Waiting in the wings is another African-American, Al Sharpton, a 2004 candidate who is considering running again.

The Miracle Worker? Please.

As for Sharpton, even leftist blacks don't take him seriously.

Jesse Jackson, whose presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988 created a sensation across black America that swept millions of new voters onto the rolls, said there is no guarantee that Obama could expect the same kind of support. "He faces some real challenges,'' Jackson said. "First, there will be intense competition for black votes. The other reason is that most black people met him two years ago on television from Boston.''

Jackson was referring to the speech at the 2004 Democratic convention that propelled Obama onto the national stage when he was still an Illinois state senator.

In case you have forgotten, kiddies, that was Senator War Criminal's convention.

His heritage

Born to a white mother and a black Kenyan father, reared in Hawaii by his white grandparents and for a few years in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather, Obama in many ways embodies the one America he often talks about: He identifies himself as African-American, but his experiences are at once those of African-Americans, whites, Asian-Americans and immigrants.

"I've never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race, or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe,'' Obama wrote in his latest book, "The Audacity of Hope,'' in which he also observed that he has blood relatives who resemble Margaret Thatcher and others who could pass for Bernie Mac.''

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's what we need. A pol who can laugh at his high yellow relatives.

Still, Obama chose to build his political career by rooting himself in the black community. In 1983, soon after resigning from a high-powered financial consultant's post in Manhattan, he moved to Chicago as a $10,000-a-year organizer for the Calumet Community Religious Conference.

He left Chicago to attend Harvard Law School, then returned to head a statewide voter-registration effort before joining a small, civil rights law firm. In 1996, he was elected to the Illinois state Senate from a mostly black South Side district.

MSNBC: Can Obama appeal to blacks?
Barack Obama faces a tough balancing act in his effort to appeal to nation's black voters.

And, finally...Senator Barry Hussein Obama? Oy vey...

NBC 5 Chicago: 'Barry' Obama -- What's In A Name?
They used to call him Barry. Now they call him Obama. And if you're CNN, you slip up and call him Osama.

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