Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Pelosi/Reid Era of Sunshine and Gumdrops continues apace.

When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun?
When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting on death row?
The Guns of Brixton by The Clash)

The fascist left pursues their promise of a Vietnam in every hotspot.

Hindustan Times: Senate panel rejects Bush's troop surge in Iraq
The senate committee that oversees US foreign relations on Wednesday voted in favour of a resolution rejecting US President George W Bush's troop surge in Iraq, saying it is not in the interest of the US.

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Have you checked your US Senatrix lately? Chances are good it now looks like this.

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