Wednesday, January 17, 2007

If you look long enough and hard enough, you can find the truth about the Iraqi Front.

USA Today: Police in Iraq see jump in recruits
The U.S. military is reporting a dramatic and unexpected increase in the number of police recruits in Anbar province, the center of Sunni insurgent activity in Iraq.

Time Magazine: Turning Iraq's Tribes Against Al-Qaeda
Sheikh Abdel Sittar Baziya, head of the Abu Risha tribe and a founder of the movement the Sahawat Al Anbar, or Awakening Council, an alliance pledged to fighting al-Qaeda in Al Anbar province.

Stars and astripes: Battling violence in the heart of darkness
Hamdiyah, Iraq — His left arm in a sling as a result of being shot by insurgents a couple of weeks ago, Sheik Jabbar Al Fahad, dressed in a gray pinstripe suit and accompanied by the commander of U.S. forces in Ramadi, walks down a dirt road in his neighborhood.

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