Ware Shoals, SC - Accusations of sex, lies and scandals run rampant at one upstate high school. On Monday, deputies arrested the principal of Ware Shoals High School for allegedly covering up for the school's cheerleading coach. The coach is accused of giving alcohol to her cheerleaders, and a whole lot more.
Last week, Greenwood county deputies arrested Jill Moore, the cheerleading coach at Ware Shoals High School for "moral offenses" involving some of her cheerleaders. On Monday, deputies also arrested Principal Jane Blackwell at the school. She's accused of knowing about the offenses and doing nothing about it.
Remember when women used to know better? Or was I just hallucinating?
After her release from the detention center, Blackwell said, "I would just like to say that these charges are- I have not done anything wrong, and the evidence will prove that."
Greenwood County deputies say Principal Blackwell is lying.
They say she knew what was going on since the incidents began last summer. Sheriff Dan Wideman said, "You see it all over, California, New York, but you don't think Greenwood, and you don't think Ware Shoals. Shocker, without a doubt."
I was probably hallucinating.
FOX Carolina has learned some of the shocking details involving Moore, the cheerleading coach. According to FOX Carolina sources, Moore was dating a National Guard recruiter and was recruiting cheerleaders to party. In at least one incident, a 16-year-old student had sex and drank alcohol with another National Guardsman.
What, do these guys think they work for the UN?
Jessica Applewhite, a tenth grader at Ware Shoals High, said, "The kids are shocked about it. Some were crying today. I was really shocked to hear about it."
FOX Carolina called the National Guard about this story, and they released the following statement:
The South Carolina National Guard is working closely with the Greenwood County Sherriff's Department investigation of matters relating to alleged misconduct of certain Ware Shoals faculty and/or administration, as well as any related misconduct by any National Guard soldier.
The South Carolina National Guard takes our relationship with local communities and schools very seriously. This is because not only are they the communities we serve, they are ultimately the source of our citizen soldiers. Because of this relationship with the schools and the communities and the recurring contact our Recruiting and Retention personnel have with local high schools they receive mandatory training on how to deal with situations such as these and given specific guidelines to follow both as professionals and as soldiers. We do not condone actions such as the ones alleged and we have opened our own military equivalent investigation into the matter in conjunction with the ongoing civil investigation.
The South Carolina National Guardsmen allegedly involved have been placed on leave pending the outcome of the investigation.
If the investigation determines that there was wrongdoing on the part of any member or members of the South Carolina National Guard, appropriate action will be taken up to and including court martial and separation from the Guard.
Stay with FOX Carolina and foxcarolina.com as we continue to follow this story.
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