In no particular order, they are
US Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado's 6th District is a staunch defender of the USA against invasion by illegal "immigrants" with a solid conservative voting record.
Tancredo Comments on Bush Iraq Speech
Tancredo Challenges New Leadership to Do More than Celebrate
Tancredo Calls for “Swift” Type Raids on Other Industries
11 Members of Congress Join Tancredo in Calling on Administration to Stand up to Foreign Governments Who Use America as a Dumping Ground for Criminal Aliens
US Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas is a savvy politician, which means he may be most likely to compromise his conservative principles in order to "get things done". Over the years, he has been a radio broadcaster, attorney, teacher, administrator, congressman and senator. Senator Brownback and his wife Mary have five children.
Sam Brownback for President
Congressman Duncan Hunter of California's 52nd district is another real conservative worthy of your consideration. He has been battling the invasion on the front lines for years. Plus, Chuck Yeager Endorses Duncan Hunter for President.
January 15, 2007
"America Must Protect its Borders" by Congressman Duncan Hunter - After the September 11th terrorist attacks, it became clear that border control is no longer just an immigration issue. It has become a national security issue. ...
January 11, 2007
Hunter Votes to Protect Human Life - Today, U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), voted against H.R. 3, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act. The legislation, which passed the House by a vote of 253 – 174, promotes federal funding for human embryonic stem cell research. ...
January 5, 2007
Adding San Diego to Security Grant List is Right Decision - Today, U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) applauded the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) announcement that San Diego is once again eligible for funding under the Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant Program. ...
October 26, 2006
Secure Fence Act Becomes Law - Today, Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) commended the enactment of H.R. 6061 (King-NY), the Secure Fence Act. The legislation, coauthored by Congressman Hunter, calls for more than 700 miles of strategic security fencing on America’s land border with Mexico. ...
Special Reports
2006 Spring Newsletter (PDF 1533KB)
February 2004
January 2002
THE CASE FOR REBUILDING U.S. ARMED FORCES: A Defense Policy Presentation by Congressman Hunter to President Bush ...
...needless to say, there are no members of The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion who are qualified to wield any power whatsoever.
Ron Paul is the man for the job.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies. Mr. Paul has always been an American first and a politician second. The world would be a better place if Ron had been in the White House for any eight of the last thirty years.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reminder.