Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Meanwhile, back in Pittsburgh...

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: Pens meet about slots rejection
Pittsburgh Penguins ownership planned to meet and discuss the state's rejection of a slot-machine casino application filed by a company that had promised to build the team a $290 million arena if it were awarded the license.

The Penguins ownership group, headed by Hall of Fame player Mario Lemieux, did not immediately comment on the decision Wednesday by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to reject the slots license application by Isle of Capri Casinos.

The board voted unanimously to award the city's only slot-machine license to Detroit-based casino developer Don H. Barden's PITG Gaming LLC. Barden's group proposes building a casino and entertainment development on the city's North Shore, near Heinz Field and PNC Park.

Barden had promised to contribute some money for a new arena over 30 years under a plan proposed by city and county officials that would include public funds. But that plan also calls for the Penguins to help pay for the facility.

"I am committed to what we said we were going to do," Barden said Wednesday. "We're going to fund $75 million a year for 30 years towards financing a new multipurpose arena."

He said he will meeting soon with Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato and Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl to get the process moving.

"It will be the largest of our operations and we're going to put a lot of attention on this project," Barden said. "We're going to get it going right away."

A few minutes after the licensing decision was announced, the Penguins began practicing at Mellon Arena, the 45-year-old building the team says must be replaced for it to remain viable in Pittsburgh.

It was not immediately clear if the Penguins would release a statement or hold a press conference to comment on the slots license.

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