Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Living with the legacy of DA Mike Nifong's re-election campaign...

..or, Oops!

Gloucester Daily Times: Rape charges against Duke lacrosse players dropped;
Durham, NC - The district attorney dropped rape charges against the three Duke University lacrosse players after the stripper who accused them changed her story again...


Meanwhile, "Screamin' A." Smith has a blind squirrel with a broken pocket watch moment (more or less).

The Charlotte Observer: Commentary by Stephen A. Smith: Duke lacrosse party case unworthy of being 'a black cause'

When prosecutors dropped rape charges on Friday against three Duke lacrosse players -- all white -- accused of attacking a stripper -- who is black -- there was no hype to speak of.

No news conferences rife with ministers lamenting the moral schism that hinders progress in this supposed mosaic called America.


Predictably, there was no sign of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, either.
Perhaps there should have been, though.

For once, maybe the tide should be turned. Maybe mea culpas should be placed on the front pages, apologizing to the three who were accused: Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann.

How about a civil suit like the one those white devils used to screw O. J.?

How about Mike Nifong spending 20 long ones in a Federal lockup for violating those players' civil rights?

How about a return to The Rule of Law?

Not so much for presuming their guilt before all the evidence came in. Mainly for using it to promote a black cause.

We have serious problems all across America, but nothing compared to the kind that exists in the black community, and the perverse pleasure it evokes from those who watch from afar.

"Perverse pleasure"? Maybe from Klan, pal, but that is about it. This is the kind of thinking that perpetuates the problem.

Ol' Screamin' A. just does not get it.

On more than a few occasions, when something insidious occurs involving an African American and a white person, race is automatically attached, dividing black and white America even further.

By whom?

The left-fascists, that's who. Black ones and white ones.

Totalitarianism crosses all boundaries...with tanks.

We still don't know what happened to this 28-year-old from N.C. Central. All we know at this moment is that she was hired to perform at a party on March 13, that she accused three men of raping her in a bathroom.

We know that all the players immediately maintained, unequivocally, they were innocent -- and that, as of Friday, the district attorney, Mike Nifong, has some serious explaining to do.

Now we've learned that the rape charge was dropped after this stripper told investigators she was no longer certain whether she was penetrated vaginally. Yet Nifong has not dropped kidnapping and other sex charges.

You want to fight?

Rodney King was worth it because we saw the beat-down the Los Angeles police put on him on videotape years ago.

Sean Bell, an unarmed 23-year-old murdered hours before his wedding when New York police sprayed his vehicle with 50 bullets weeks ago, is worth it.

A stripper claiming she was raped by Duke students, suspect in ways crystallized by DNA findings, is worth an investigation by the proper authorities and even some media coverage.

But an issue like this is not worth another referendum on race relations.

Enough already. It's time to wake up!

Long before we learned about race, we were taught morals and decency. We were taught not only to judge folks by the content of their character but to have character if we were to ever sit in judgment of anyone.

Wait a minute. Is Screamin' A. saying black folks should only whip up racial frenzies when they know they can get away with it?

We will fall as a people if we don't start reminding ourselves of this. We'll languish in self-inflicted purgatory. Unlike our ancestors, we won't be a position to garner sympathy because we won't have any excuses.

Black America will have no one to blame but itself and those we allowed to lead us, operating with impunity on the strength of our ignorance and indifference to what they do, purportedly, on our behalf. It's time for a morality check. By every one of us.

Don't look at the white man. This is a black man talking.

That, at least, is true. I have seen him on tv, with the sound off.

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