Friday, December 15, 2006

It Takes A Village To Staff A Gestapo Unit Update.

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The first order of business for the Mena Mafia? Attack Senator Token's hideously malformed gargantuan ears in order to save Senatrix Hitlery Schicklgruber's (N-NY) faltering campaign to become Empress of Earth.

With Obama-mania soaring to new heights, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton rushed yesterday to powwow with her husband's brain trust.

Heehee! Brain dust is more like it.

Sen. Clinton hosted a dinner at her swank Embassy Row home last night with Bubba's buddies James Carville, Paul Begala, Joel Johnson and Joe Lockhart.

What happened to the Chappaqua love nest? Hmmm...The phrase "marriage of convenience" comes to mind.

Bill Clinton's former gurus serve as an informal sounding board and think tank for the former first lady, separate from her army of campaign staffers and consultants.

Ha! You can't fool me. Goober II's gurus are now, and always have been, Larry "Ironside" Flynt and Huge "Tiny" Hefner.

The confidential confab - coming as Sen. Clinton plots her official candidacy for the White House - is a repeat of 2000, when she hosted a similar dinner shortly before announcing her Senate bid.

It is not confidential when you spew press releases about it...

One Clinton insider said she'd "seek the advice and counsel of some of the very smartest people in politics" over table talk.

Karl Rove, call your office.

In the run-up to her re-election, the bombastic Carville headlined a Virginia fund-raiser for the senator, while Begala penned an appeal letter to her supporters.

Sen. Clinton, who hosted Democratic fat cats from Iowa and New Hampshire earlier this week, is picking up her pace as rising presidential rival Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) soaks up the national spotlight, raising concerns for Team Hillary.

Obama, who wooed New Hampshire Democrats last Sunday, has been lauded for his tongue-in-cheek introduction of Monday Night Football - when he announced to "all of America that I am ready . . . for the [Chicago] Bears to go all the way, baby!"

I doubt Mr. So what if my middle name is Hussein? knows the Bears from the Bulls. Or from his own personal brand of bull, for that matter.

Obama's monologue has been viewed more than 100,000 times on YouTube.

That means he is making inroads with the teenaged nerds.

The ABC/ESPN network approached him to do the skit - underscoring his in-demand status.

Obama says he'll announce his presidential intentions soon in the coming weeks, while Clinton said she'll wait until after Jan. 1 to make a formal declaration.

To outflank Obama, Clinton this week hired one of the party's best operatives at winning over evangelical voters, The Hill newspaper reported.

Burns Strider, who currently runs House Democrats' religious outreach program and leads the Faith Working Group, is being brought on board to woo so-called "values voters."

"Burns Strider"? That sounds like a porn star's nom de you-know-what.

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