Thursday, December 14, 2006

Animal Flesh Recipe of the Day.

You know I could not resist the temptation to post this one, kiddies.

From (suppliers of "camel, wildebeest, frogs legs, ostrich, kangaroo, crocodile, locusts, snails, venison, wild boar, bison, rattlesnake, buffalo, zebra, springbok, blesbok, duck, pigeon, kudu, eland, impala, guinea fowl, and rabbit" throughout the U.K.):

Camel fillet with a Shiraz Butter Glaze


1 Osgrow Camel fillet trimmed of sinew and cut into medallions
Oliver Oil (Olive oil? - F.G.)
4 small onions
1 Carrot, finely chopped
250ml Shiraz wine or red wine
250ml Beef stock
(Serves 4)

To make the glaze, fry olive oil and onions, carrots and celery in a pan until slightly brown, then add cut off trimmings and cook until brown. Then add wine & beef stock and simmer for approx. 30 minutes.

Strain and whisk in butter pieces until the liquid has a buttery glaze, then brush camel fillet with olive oil and grill to your taste.

To serve pour shiraz butter glaze onto a plate, arrange camel medallions in a pyramid shape and serve with a tossed salad.

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