Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Totalitarian Pennsylvania Update.

The next Democrass innovation? An abortion clinic in every casino!

Harrisburg Patriot-News: DeWeese drafting bill for full-service casinos in PA

What? You're shocked? Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeez.

The fix was in from the get-go, kiddies.

Rep. Bill DeWeese, who is expected to become speaker of the House in January, is drafting a bill that would legalize poker, blackjack and other table games Pennsylvania's gambling halls.

Under current law, only slot machines are allowed in Pennsylvania's gambling parlors. The first slots parlor, Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs, opened Nov. 12. No others have opened yet.

DeWeese's chief of staff, Michael Manzo, dismissed suggestions that table games could be more harmful than slot machines.

"There is no practical difference between putting $20 in a slot machine and $20 on a blackjack table," Manzo told The Philadelphia Inquirer for Wednesday's editions.

In totalitarian circles, this is what is known as Reason.

Manzo said permitting table games would allow Pennsylvania's gambling halls to compete better with other states, such as West Virginia, which is considering the same thing. He said allowing table games would generate more money for property tax relief, the reason that slot machines were legalized in the first place.

These pinheads are worried about competing with West Freakin' Virginia? How about we produce a whole load of Rhode's Scholars? That'll teach them hillbillies!

"It used to be that slots made up 85 percent of (a casino's) business. But that's no longer the case," Manzo said.

Gambling proponents say games such as poker and blackjack are needed to attract younger, wealthier gamblers.

As Slow Eddie Rendell knows, the slots are used to steal from the old and poor. (And don't forget the free booze to help separate the rubes from their dough: Rendell signs bill on unlimited free drinks at slots parlors
The Philadelphia Inquirer - Gov. Ed Rendell yesterday signed legislation to let Pennsylvania's slots parlors serve unlimited free alcoholic drinks to gamblers - a measure that allows an exception to the state's current limit of one free drink per person.)

Rep. Paul Clymer, R-Bucks, said lawmakers should slow down.
"Without even looking at what the casinos do when they go online, we're ready to push table games," Clymer said.

DeWeese, a Democrat from Greene County, is expected to become speaker because unofficial results completed Monday gave his party a 102-101 edge in the House. But Republicans did not immediately concede loss of control.

See what mayhem ensues when you vote left-fascist, kiddies?

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