Friday, November 03, 2006

Sometimes, there really are communists.

Boston Globe: Vermont''s Sanders poised to be 1st Senate socialist

CASTLETON, Vt. -- A new name may soon join Fidel, Vladimir, and Karl in the pantheon of famous socialists: Bernie.

That would be Vermont's US Representative Bernard Sanders, who, in this election season of tight races, appears to be cruising to victory in his campaign for the US Senate, according to recent polls.

If elected Tuesday, he would be the first self-proclaimed socialist to serve in the Senate. Far from a stern ideologue, Sanders cuts an affable figure among his constituents, a trait on display at a rally this week at Castleton State College.

For the cognoscenti, the key word here is "self-proclaimed".

Speaking of commies...

CNSNews: KGB Letter Outlines Sen. Kennedy's Overtures to Soviets, Prof Says

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