Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Q: Why can't we tell the difference between reality and fiction?

A: Because collectivist materialism, the aim of which is to obscure reality, has infected our body politic.


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The president of an Ivy League school found herself in hot water yesterday after a snapshot surfaced showing her posing gleefully with a student masquerading as a suicide bomber.

The University of Pennsylvania's Amy Gutmann said in a lengthy statement that she noticed the toy machine gun held by engineering student Saad Saadi - and not the red phony dynamite strapped to his body - only when she mugged for the camera by his side.

She characterized the controversial photo as one taken on whim amid the commotion of an annual Halloween bash that drew more than 700 students in costume to her campus home. Gutmann dressed as Glinda the Good Witch from "The Wizard of Oz."

"They all crowd around to have their picture taken with me in costume," Gutmann said. "This year, one student who had a toy gun in his hand had his picture taken with me before it was obvious to me that he was dressed as a suicide bomber."

She later added, "The costume is clearly offensive and I was offended by it. As soon as I realized what his costume was, I refused to take any more pictures with him, as he requested."

Gutmann was not the only university official to pose with Saadi. The university's chaplain, William Gipson, was also photographed with him.

Saadi did not return a message left for him at the campus lab where he works. But he told the student-run newspaper that Gutmann got a kick out of his getup, which included camouflage pants and a keffiyeh headband - a symbol of Palestinian nationalism.

"How did they let you through security?" the university president jokingly told him at her party, Saadi told The Daily Pennsylvanian.

Chicago Sun-Times: Goldstein High kid dresses as Hitler

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A Brooklyn high school student caused a stir when he showed up for class dressed as Adolf Hitler for Halloween.

Walter Petryk, 16, defended his costume Tuesday, insisting it was a satire of the Nazi dictator.

But some at Leon M. Goldstein High School were not impressed. Administrators ordered the honors student to remove his beige coat bearing a red swastika armband or face spending the day in the office, Petryk told the New York Post.

Petryk refused, saying his parody was protected by his right to freedom of expression.

Petryk's stepfather, Howard Bloom, who is Jewish, told the Post he was initially "very disturbed" by the costume but nonetheless defended his stepson's rights. "If he had wanted to advocate my genocide, I wouldn't have allowed" the costume, Bloom said. "That wasn't the spirit in which he was doing this at all. He was doing it in the spirit of Monty Python and Mel Brooks."


Cartman lives
A spokesman for the city Education Department said that Leon M. Goldstein HS will pursue disciplinary charges against 16-year-old Walter Petryk for insubordination, which could result in a 10-day suspension. ...The News Blog - http://stevegilliard.blogspot.com

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