Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election post-mortem.

From Michelle Malkin :

Diebold! Stolen election! Um, never mind...
November 08, 2006 11:16 AM

One of those black box conspiracy nuts was on Fox this morning. When the morning crew asked her about all of the stolen election rhetoric that crescendoed right before Election Day, her response was:

"Well how do you know it didn't happen?"

Un. Real.

Smarter Dems have just clammed up about the whole thing. Now that they've won so resoundingly, we won't be hearing much about President Bush's mother machines. My parting shot at the Dems' preemptive delegitimization strategy, subject of the column I filed yesterday morning, is here. John Fund investigates ACORN's shenanigans in Missouri here.

Will this spell the end of the tinfoil hat industry? No way. When they fail, they'll always come back to blaming the Rovian Mind/Weather/Global Conspiracy. Always.

The United Nations cheers
November 08, 2006 10:47 AM
Kofi Annan and his corrupt company are giddy about the GOP losses yesterday.

Go figure.

Looking for silver linings
November 08, 2006 09:43 AM

Brian Maloney and Bryan Preston find some.

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