...the chances for victory in Iraq were never good. (The Cold War and Grenada don't count, kiddies.)
Tuesday's elections sealed the fate of Free Iraq. The Democrasses will cut off funding and the goat rapists will triumph.
Memo To The Iraqis: Start cutting deals with the least bad of the bad guys now while you still have some leverage.
The threat of non-moderate mohammedan violence against the rest of the world will increase. Do you think they will fear Japan, Russia, or Australia after they made The Great Pepsi retreat?
The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, 'Bortion, and Bugging Out will soon have a lot more blood on its hands, but they are used to it. So are the AmericaLast media, who still have the power to persuade enough of your neighbors that A is indeed B, and not A. (The conservatives' favorite serial adulterer and the rest of the "new media", call your office.)
Goat rapists willing to blow themselves up for the sake of their sad excuse for a religion will sooner or later arrive here in the good ol' US of A. Nothing is going to stop that. There was a slim chance we could have delayed the inevitable or mitigated its impact with the Rs in power, but that chance is now gone.
Our home-grown cowards and thugs of the fascist left will behave as they always do, increasing horror, misery, and death every way and every where they can. However, the greatest opprobrium must be reserved for the average American voter who displayed a mind-boggling rejection of reality by favoring ignorance and death across the board on Tuesday.
Once again, the forces of anti-christ seem to be in the ascendancy, but this is their Age, after all. We, along with any politically friendly forces we can find, have four priorities:
1) As always, work to save as many souls as possible, starting with your own.
2) Do everything possible to protect the lives of the innocent from those who worship Death.
3) Do everything possible to protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms so that when they kick in your front door, you will be able to send a few of them to Hell before they kill you.
4) And for those of you who still have faith in bourgeois legalism and the emasculated institutions of our country, feel free to join the Reality Party and try to change things.
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