Friday, October 20, 2006

More reasons to throw Slow Eddie Rendell out of office.

Reading Eagle: Rendell vows to increase everybodys taxes
If elected to a second term, the governor says his plan to raise the state sales tax would mean $1 billion in school property-tax savings.

Ha! Just like his genius plan to bring casino gambling to the Commonwealth! I can't spend that property tax windfall because it is sooooooooooooooo gigantinormous!

Lancaster News Scare-Ya: Making his case for dominion over all

Gov. Ed Rendell, in a vigorous defense of his gambling initiatives, said slot machines will provide financial benefits to Pennsylvania taxpayers and bring brightness and cheer to older residents.

Wow. That sounds like a subversive, right wing, reactionary reporter coloring the story to make ol' Slow Eddie look like an out of touch retard...

Gov. Ed Rendell, in a vigorous defense of his gambling initiatives, said slot machines will provide financial benefits to Pennsylvania taxpayers and bring “brightness and cheer” to older residents. (Emphasis is all mine, baby.)

Quotation marks! That proves everyone's favorite Philly Machine thug is an out of touch retard.

"Hey, grandma! Bring your Social Security check with you to the slots parlor so I can buy more votes!"

The governor also defended the infamous pay raise for Pennsylvania judges, saying some of them couldn’t afford to put their children through college, and that first-year law-school grads were making more than they did.

This may sound like heresy to you, but maybe they should get real jobs as lawyers, Eddie. Lawyers can afford to buy their kids Porsches, after all.

But if we did not have any power-mad judges, power-mad morons like you would be denied that weapon in your war against decent folks.

And Rendell, who met with the New Era on Wednesday for a wide-ranging interview, outlined his policy agenda in broad terms if elected to a second four-year term in the Nov. 7 election.

“I’ve been pretty consistent with what my priorities are,” he said.

“I think we’ve made great progress on all of my priorities, but we haven’t reached our goals.”

Four more years of this criminal? Lord, have mercy on us!

Meanwhile, in the camp of the good guy in the race...

Reading Eagle: Swann opposes increasing sales tax

On a visit to Reading, the GOP gubernatorial candidate outlines the changes he favors, including a freeze on property taxes and alter (sic) the property assessment system.

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