Thursday, October 19, 2006

The lesser of two evils?

Believe me, kiddies, I can't stand the Repansycans either. However, the greater of two evils is very evil indeed.

Until the Reality Party becomes a reality...

Conservative voters likely to stay home by Ralph Z. Hallow of The Washington Times

The Republican Party can stave off defeat with a strong turnout on Nov. 7, party leaders are telling the faithful -- but they are finding it tough to sell that message to some disillusioned conservative voters.

"The message hasn't gotten across because a lot of people are sick and tired of thinking the only reason for going to the polls is to vote for the Republicans because they are lesser of two evils," said Tom McClusky, vice president for government affairs at the Family Research Council (FRC), a leading social conservative group.

"Conservatives aren't motivated to come out, is what I'm finding," said conservative campaign consultant Rick Shaftan, who is based in Sparta, N.J. "They see no reason to re-elect the people who are in office."

A top Republican pollster confidentially echoed those sentiments.

"There are very definitely trouble signs in many states of what we call the 'LRs' -- the lethargic Republicans," said the pollster, who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity. "They are unhappy with the president and have little love lost for Congress."

There's little danger that such voters would switch to the Democrats, but "the real problem is that they won't vote at all," the pollster said.

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