Could it be the Klan? The John Birch Society? The Trilateral Commission? The Council on Foreign Relations? The editors of The Weekly Standard? Goat rapists? Space aliens? Scientologists?
It is ACORN, a nationwide left-fascist organization whose mission is to keep poor folks right where they are so the morally and intellectually superior gangsters who run the thing can sell their votes to The Party Of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion.
Columbia Daily Tribune: Group accused of voter fraud
ST. LOUIS (AP) - St. Louis election officials say hundreds of potentially bogus voter registration cards were submitted by a group that’s been criticized by other election leaders for registering invalid and potentially fraudulent voters.
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now - or ACORN - yesterday stood by the integrity of its not-for-profit mission, to send paid and volunteer workers around cities to sign up new voters.
At least 1,500 potentially fraudulent voter registration cards were turned in by the St. Louis ACORN branch leading up to yesterday’s voter registration deadline for the Nov. 7 election, St. Louis City Board of Election Commissioners Chairwoman Kim Mathis said.
Invalid voter registrations solicited by ACORN workers included duplicate or incomplete registrations, a 16-year-old voter, dead people registering and forged signatures, Mathis said.
"Fifteen hundred may not sound like a lot, but it is a big deal and it disenfranchises the election process," Mathis said. "It’s time someone be prosecuted. There’s a lot of taxpayer dollars being wasted on this."
ACORN spokesman Brian Mellor told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which first reported the potential fraud, that prosecution could be warranted.
"We try very hard to monitor the employees, but there are chances of things slipping through," Mellor said. He did not return phone calls from The Associated Press.
ACORN ran voter registration drives in Missouri and 16 other states this year. Similar allegations have been made in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Denver, though no charges have been filed.
St. Louis Republican elections director Scott Leiendecker said that once a final count of potentially fraudulent submissions is finished next week, he will turn the matter over to authorities for possible prosecution.
In a statement responding to the Ohio allegations last week, ACORN’s national president, Maude Hurd, said her organizations do not commit voter fraud.
"We work hard to bring new people into the democratic process and work to maintain good quality control," Hurd said.
Control is the key word in her vocabulary.
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