Thursday, October 19, 2006

Get out of here with your crazy calls about murder and rape, we've got smokers to catch!

Want to see America's decline in action, kiddies? Visit Omaha.

See a Smoker in a Non-Smoking Area? Call 911

( - If you catch someone smoking in a non-smoking area in Omaha, Neb., call the police. The Omaha Police Department is encouraging city residents to call 911 in the wake of the citywide ban on smoking that went into effect on Oct. 2. Teresa Negron, the sergeant in charge of public information, explained that the department encourages observers of infractions to pick up the phone to report the infraction -- just as they would for any other crime they observe being committed. "Citizens or business owners that observe a violation to the smoking ban are urged to call 911 and report the violation," Negron told Cybercast News Service. "[It's like] any other crime that happens in any city -- if somebody sees a crime happen, they can call 911 and report it." Full Story

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