USA Today: Sorry you asked? I should hope so.
Before the day starts, I simply must share the exchange I saw over at Yahoo Answers, where someone posted what I hope was only a semi-serious question about how Pluto's reclassification would affect their horoscope.
Richmond Times-Dispatch: Passion, science of Pluto's ranking
Author Dava Sobel says her chapter on Pluto in "The Planets" still stands, despite the icy body's recent demotion in the solar system.
The Daily Iowan: From black holes and Mars to plunking Pluto
Of all the fields of science, astronomy is one of the most tumultuous. New hypotheses and discoveries come nearly every week - from finding a "puffy" planet lighter than cork to cutting Pluto from the planetary team to colliding galaxies - and there's no sign it will ever let up.
UPI: The Almanac
Today is Thursday, Oct. 5, the 278th day of 2006 with 87 to follow. The moon is waxing. The morning stars are Mars and Saturn. The evening stars are Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Pluto.
Ha! Take that, astronomical community! (Sorry) If UPI says it's a planet, it's a planet!
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