ABC calls Bill Clinton aides' criticism premature
The Star-Ledger - A "terribly wrong" miniseries about events leading to the Sept. 11 attacks blames President Bill Clinton's policies, former Clinton administration officials said in letters demanding that ABC correct it or not air it.
Clinton blasts 9/11 film, amid report of changes - Former President Bill Clinton called for ABC to "tell the truth" in an upcoming miniseries about the events leading up to the 9/11 attacks.
Bill Clinton Officials Fight Disney Bosses Over New 9/11 Miniseries - High-ranking officials in former President Bill Clinton's administration are attempting to pull the plug on a new 9/11 TV miniseries over alleged inaccuracies.
Clinton And 9-11
Investor's Business Daily - An ABC miniseries finally pays as much attention to Bill Clinton's eight years before 9-11 as the Democrats have to President Bush's eight months. Critics who blame Bush for missing Osama bin Laden are missing the point.
Clinton aides attack 9/11 drama
BBC News - A mini-series about the 9/11 attacks is called "terribly wrong" by a group of Bill Clinton's ex-officials.
Clinton asks for September 11 'docudrama' to be pulled
AFP - The foundation of former US president Bill Clinton asked ABC television not to air a dramatic miniseries about the run-up to the September 11, 2001 attacks, saying it improperly suggests he was too busy with the Monica Lewinsky scandal to fight terrorism.
Wow. The foundation? I wonder what his bedroom thinks of it.
Clinton aides condemn 9/11 drama as 'terribly wrong'
Times Online - An American television mini-series about the September 11 terrorist attacks has come under fire from Bill Clinton and his former officials, who have condemned the programme as inaccurate, misleading and defamatory.
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