Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Once again, the Democrasses doth protest too much. Let us continue to tell everyone they are cowards and traitors.

New York Daily News: Dems boiling over war flak

WASHINGTON - Escalating election-year rancor, House Majority Leader John Boehner charged yesterday that Democrats are "more interested in protecting the terrorists" than in taking care of Americans.

The Ohio Republican infuriated Democrats and even got a slap on the wrist from the White House when he joined a high-stakes game of finger-pointing sure to continue through the Nov. 7 congressional elections.

"I wonder if they're more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people. They certainly don't want to take the terrorists on and defeat them," Boehner said.

Democrats said voters won't buy into the rhetoric.


"The American people know that we have been here on the firing line," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Ha! "Firing line", indeed. The only guns with which Senator Social Moderate is familiar are the ones his taxpayer-funded bodyguards carry to protect him from the voters.

Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) added, "I wonder if John Boehner is more interested in protecting his majority than protecting the American people."

Oh, Rahm! All the teenage girls simply swoon when you display your devastating wit!

Even the White House seemed to think Boehner had gone too far. Press secretary Tony Snow said Democrats are equals in fighting the war on terror.

For their part, Democrats sniped at President Bush's prime-time 9/11 anniversary speech, accusing him of playing politics with the issue and failing to reunite the country in the need to fight terrorism.

Snow brushed off the criticism, saying: "We're going to have a lot of political conflict this year. [That's] perfectly understandable, acceptable, predictable. That's the way it works."

Republicans believe they can win on the terrorism issue, but Democrats have become emboldened by polls showing shrinking confidence in Bush's handling of the war on terror.

Some Republican operatives think Democrats are walking into an an election year ambush by engaging on terrorism issues. "Any time you can force political attention away from Iraq and on to the [Democratic] alternative, it's good for us," said a top GOP campaign strategist.

Republicans blame House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for stoking the fires last week when she said catching Osama Bin Laden wouldn't make America any safer because "it's five years too late."

Genius! That is what passes for leadership in The Party of Blasphemy, Buggery, and 'Bortion.

Pelosi slammed Boehner's comments yesterday as "desperate politics of fear."

Will somebody please keep a microphone in front of this ignorant cow until after the November elections?

"It is long past time for Republicans to be honest with American people and stop questioning the patriotism of those who recognize that the President's Iraq policy has not worked, is making us less safe and must be changed," she said.

Pelosi and Reid sent a letter to the television networks and cable news channels asking that Democratic viewpoints on terrorism and Iraq receive equal coverage.

YES! YES! YES! Put 'em on the tube!

"There has been a complete absence of balance in the news coverage of national security issues," they wrote.

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